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Loved the last two days learning alongside my mentors and the DSISD leaders that push and inspire me! I was pushed out of my comfort zone into the world of twitter and blogging. My thinking about personalized learning, rigor, and culture was stretched, challenged, and inspired. I mean GEORGE COUROS liked one of my tweets/blog entries!!!!!! Innovator's Mindset by George Couros was one of my favorite parts of the Visionary Leader's Retreat. The best two chapters were of course the ones my table group read Chapter 9, "Powerful Learning First, Technology Second" and "Less is More." They really speak to the conversations that the IFs have been having.

First, we have had a lot of discussions on finding balance in teaching. We are encouraging risk-taking and innovation but that does not mean that we throw out the foundation and the teaching practices that we know. It may just mean utilizing them in a different way. Couros says reading and writing are the floor not the ceiling. We must still teach students strong strategies and skills so that they may then accelerate that learning through technology (another Innovator's Mindset idea :) ).

The chapter, "Less is More" added to the thinking I gained from my recent SXSWEdu visit where I went to a workshop on giving teachers more time. As we have moved into personalized learning a lot of ideas and words are being thrown around - creativity, innovation, empowerment, engagement, individualization, differentiation, thinking outside the box, failing forward, STEAM, flexible learning environment, student directed learner, voice and choice, facilitation, etc. It all can be overwhelming as an educator because we want to do it ALL. George Couros stated in the chapter though that just because it is a good idea it doesn't mean it has to be immediately implemented. It is okay and really it is AWESOME to bring a few things into your classroom and do them WELL rather than trying to do it all. It's also important for us (and administrators!) to take a look at what we can let go of as educators. What are our BIG rocks? What can we abandon? What can we take away to help clear the path to put students and learning first?

I have been inspired these last two days, to push my colleagues to be the best models of risk-takers and innovators for their students while keeping rigor and foundational skills at the forefront. To do that though I am also driven to see what can be taken off the plates of educators to create a less is more environment to put powerful learning first!

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